Archive for Liver

Look! Up on the plate! It’s a bird, it’s a plane – it’s Bacon chicken liver pâté

Chicken liver, dill frond, tomato jam

Chicken liver, dill frond, tomato jam

Is there any food as delicious as chopped chicken liver that is also as unappealing looking?

I have come to the conclusion that chopped liver on a plate – liver pâté for the foodies amongst you – is visually unappealing no matter how it is tarted up.

My mother made this dish regularly and placed it on a plate in a ring with a gelatin glaze. I hated the way it looked, but I loved the way it tasted!! As soon, of course, as I scraped the glaze off, where it sat, quivering on my plate like a rejected golden retriever. A retriever made of gelatin!

Organ meats are one of the most nutrient dense foods you can eat. If you can, when you make this dish, try and find organic chicken liver. Awesome nutrient qualities + a liver that has processed fewer toxins means you are Winning!!

So, since chopped chicken liver is basically yukky looking, I took another approach. Read the rest of this entry »

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